Friday, May 31, 2013

Everyday Quick Basic Makeup Routine

Making Amateur Vine iMovies

So... Lets just be honest, I have NO IDEA what I am doing with making videos and what not. Its bad enough it takes me forever to make a power point with scrolling words and such! I mean do people even do that anymore?? I don't know. 

Anyways, my bestie said I should make some youtube videos. Not sure if I will ever get the courage to do that. I absolutely HATE the sound of my own voice played back! Okay, I need to stop rambling. This is my first attempt of putting any kind of video together. In fact its the first time I ever opened iMove and I have had Mac's for years now. Sad I Know, what kind of apple obsessed group to do I fall in? I put this together in 10 min start to finish. Maybe thats a long time for something so short. I will get better in time! 

So, here it is..... my week in short Vine iMovie. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

DIY Sunday Mask

Lately I have been into DIY skincare trying the all natural 'make-your-own' remedies. My skin has been breaking out in some nasty blemishes recently. When I was in my teens I never had a huge acne problem so I thought I was in luck! But, now in my late 20's (crying!!) things have changed. My skin is oily in the T-zone. When I say oily if I am not careful with what I use my face becomes a slip-n-slide by mid-morning. YUCK! My eyes, around my lips, and neck can get very dry! When that happens it seems like no kind of moisturizer works. High or low price except this amazing Chanel sample I received. But lets be real I can not afford the $340 price tag! I did however find this two weeks ago and fell in love. Much better on the bank account at $23. (More about it in a future post.) Anyways lets get back to this mask.   

For the past month or two I have been having 'Mask Sunday'. At first I was doing a plain Aztec clay mix but the past few sundays I have been adding some activated charcoal. So far I have not had any problems with extra breakouts or bad reactions. I am not exactly sure how I feel about the results. Nothing magical like we all hope happens. :-( My skin does however feel soft and clean when I wash it off. I think the trick is to use the right products after to help prevent gunk and dirt from getting back in. And also to help close the pores. You have to be very diligent with skincare as well or it just reverts back. This mask can be very drying so defiantly need to moisturize well after.

Lets get started! 

Use a glass or silicone small bowl. First open a capsule of activated charcoal. I used this one. Be careful, this can be VERY messy.  

If doing only a single mask use 1/2 tsp. (two masks at once use 1 tsp.)
Add 1/2 tsp Aztec clay.

Add equal amounts of Bragg apple cider vinegar. Either 1/2 or 1 tsp depending on the about of clay used.

Once the cider hits the clay it will start to bubble and react. 

Mix together with something plastic or wood. I like to use chopsticks. 

This batch came out a little thick so I just added a bit more cider. Mix until you have a nice consistency. Not to thick, not to watery. (Normally my charcoal is in a jar and I just pour some out. But I am visiting my family so I packed the capsules for easy travel.) 

Apply to face with either fingers or brush. I used a old foundation brush. You can also find mask brushes for cheep. Warning: It will be very messy if you use your fingers! 

You will feel your face pulsate and become tight. If it is to much then wash off early. Leave on until dry. About 15 min +/- depending how thick it is.

Rinse off and done! (Your skin may be a little red after but that is normal with this clay and will go away with in 30 min. Mine goes away after I moisturizer.)

I use the following products after my mask.

1st sweep on a Neutrogena treatment pad. 

Next, apply Glow by Dr. Brandt revitalizing retinol eye cream. (Just starting using this in the past two weeks and like.)

3rd I apply DDF Glycolic 10% Exfoliating Oil Control Gel (LOVE this!!)

Lastly moisturize with grape seed oil. I have been using this at night for the past few weeks. I have been on the hunt for a good night moisturizer but have not found one I want to spend the money on and take the risk. I was using Clinique Moisture Surge Intense. I liked it but I guess not enough to buy it again. I want something with anti-againg properties. I have tried so so so many I am kind of just numb on having hopes of finding one. So if you have something you like PLEASE let me know! ;-)

Hope you enjoyed this and maybe try it. 


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Black Bean, Quinoa and Mango Medley Stuffed Eggplant

So, this past weekend we moved from Williamsburg, VA to around the Peoria, IL area. WOW was that a long drive in some horrific storm weather but in 24 hours including a 5-hour rest stop in the worst motel I have ever been in and 6 states (Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and half of Illinois) we made it. Anyways, my very best friend Silvia has also recently moved to the Chicago area. (Check out her BLOG and STORE here). I was fortunate to visit with her on Saturday for a lunch date before leaving for California the next day. She requested a dinner dish I made awhile back and posted to my Instagram. It was a quinoa stuffed eggplant but because it was so long ago and I made it on a whim I could not remember how exactly I made it. So this time I came up with a similar concoction. She had never tried eggplant before and was curious. But because we are staying at my girlfriend’s mom house for the two days in town I had to use what was easily available. I don’t know about you but its always odd trying to took in a foreign kitchen! Needless to say I was nervous to make it and then everyone not like it. After all 3 out of 5 people were eggplant virgins! In the end it was a success. At least I think it was unless everyone was being nice and just said they liked it. But anyways you can be the judge and try this recipe out yourself.  

(I decided at the very last moment to take step-by-step pictures and post this so sorry for the bad pics and sloppy presentation.)

I love this recipe because you can alter it to your personal lifestyle. It can be vegan if you omit the feta cheese. Vegetarian with the feta or for the animal eaters you can add chicken, ground turkey or whatever. 

Original Instagram Post:

First I washed all the veggies of course.

Peel the leaves off the eggplants but leave the stems. Next I cut the eggplant in half lengthwise. Then cut around the inside leaving a little less then half an inch to keep the bowl or “boat” shape. Next I made slits going down and across making squares. Make sure to not cut all the way down because you will need the eggplant to double as the bowl or “boat” for the stuffing. I greased a pan with a drop of sunflower oil, sprinkled a small about of sea salt on the flesh side of the eggplants then placed them cut side down on the sheet. 

While the oven was warming to 400 deg I started to prepare the stuffing.

Cut and dice one large red bell pepper and 1 or 2 jalapeño peppers (depending on your personal preference). Place in a bowl.

Rinse and drain one can of black beans and add to the peppers.

Add 2 cloves chopped fresh garlic. (I used this because it was what I had on hand already.)

Next I added ½ tsp chili powder, ¼ tsp ground turmeric, ½ tsp ground cumin (not shown in pic), and a smidgen of sunflower oil to the pepper and bean mixture. Toss to mix.

By now the oven should be ready for the eggplant. Bake for 15 min.

While that is baking start the quinoa. I squeezed the juice of half a lemon and tossed it in the water. Bring to a boil. 

Carefully remove the lemon and add the quinoa. Bring to a simmer and cover. 

After about 5-7 min add the black bean mixture. (You could also wait until the quinoa is almost done but I wanted my beans and peppers to soften up.)

When the eggplants are done scoop out the flesh and add eggplant flesh to quinoa and black bean mixture. Finish cooking quinoa until done.

While that is finishing cooking slice and dice one large mango.

When the quinoa black bean mixture is done cooking stir in mango.

Scoop mixture into eggplant bowl or “boats”. Top with feta cheese (optional). Place back in the oven for 5-10 min until all is warm again.

Serve topped with slices of avocado. (Optional toppings can be hot sauce, sour cream or anything you desire.)


I hope you enjoyed this and motivates you to try it or something alike.

Much Love -- CLL


15-ounce can black beans (no salt added)
1 cup cooked quinoa 
1 large red bell pepper
1 large fresh mango
1 large avocado
1 small jalapeño pepper
1 medium lemon or lime
1 1/2 tbsp sunflower oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp ground turmeric


feta cheese
sour cream
any topping of your choice
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